Sunday, November 06, 2005

groper exposed on "special interests"

his hypocrisy laid bare. he cannot be bought? those hundred-thousand $$ payments were just a coincidence, huh?

Schwarzenegger's Special Interests

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 3, 2005
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (AP)

(CBS) Almost any time Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger gets near a microphone he takes aim at special interests, CBS News correspondent Vince Gonzales reports.

"I have put the special interests on notice," Schwarzenegger said. "The only thing I have to say to them is 'hasta la vista baby.' "

That's been the theme ever since he announced he was running for governor.

"I do not have to bow to any special interests," Schwarzenegger said on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." "I have plenty of money. No one can pay me off."

"Trust me," he said. "No one."

But Doug Heller, who heads Arnold Watch, which is part of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, tells a different story.

Heller points to bills the governor vetoed on one day just last month:

# He vetoed a bill opposed by Wal-Mart. That day records show an "Arkansas homemaker" — Christy Walton, heir to the Wal-Mart fortune — donated a quarter of a million dollars to his political causes. Eleven days later, another quarter million came from Wal-Mart's Chairman.

# He vetoed a pesticide regulation bill opposed by winemakers and wholesalers. That day one wine group donated $100,000.

# The governor also vetoed a bill the insurance industry didn't like. And that day an industry group gave $105,000.

"I cannot be bought, that is the key thing," Schwarzenegger said.

The governor's office said he was too busy campaigning to sit down for an interview, but this is what he told a reporter at a CBS station earlier this year.

The reporter, Hank Plante, asked Schwarzenegger, "When you take $350,000 from the drug companies and then veto four prescription drug bills, you can't connect the dots on that?"

"Absolutely not," Schwarzenegger replied. "I vetoed the bills that are bad for California. It's that simple."

It's not that simple for many California voters. He's plummeted in the polls and according to one survey, half now believe he caters to special interests as much or more than other politicians.


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