Wednesday, November 02, 2005

the appearance of impropriety

interesting, how DeLay's lawyer says "it's about the appearance of impropriety". why doesn't that standard apply to DeLay's relationship with tainted lobbyist Jack Abramoff? why doesn't that standard apply to DeLay's relationship with the PACs that illegally accepted and laundered corporate money into Texas elections? why doesn't that standard apply to DeLay's putting his wife and daughter on the campaign payroll at inflated salaries? why doesn't that standard apply to DeLay's transparent favor-mongering-for-campaign contributions? why doesn't that standard apply to the infamous "K street project" that forced lobbying firms to hire repubs and fire dems? and the list goes on...

delay defense wins new judge

"He's not the right judge for this case," said DeLay's lawyer, Dick DeGuerin, after the ruling. "It's not personal; it's not about him. It's about the appearance of impropriety."


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