Sunday, August 20, 2006

israel committed to killing nasrallah

why must Nasrallah die? why is it right to assassinate Nasrallah, but wrong to assassinate (say) Olmert or Bush? and isn't this policy a clear violation of the terms under which the US gives military aid to Israel? a state that behaves in this fashion is an outlaw state, undeserving of US aid. a state that behaves in this fashion is a rogue state, and does NOT have an unconditional right to existence as a self-governing state; any more than apartheid South Africa, or nazi Germany.

Israel Committed to Block Arms and Kill Nasrallah
Steve Erlanger, August 20, 2006

`` Furthermore, he [a senior Israeli commander] made it clear that Sheik Nasrallah remains a target as the head of a group that Israel and the United States have labeled terrorist. “There’s only one solution for him,” he said. At another point, he said simply: “This man must die.” ''


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